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Suspected adverse reactions and other information on the safety of medicinal products, or suspected adverse events of medical devices of the company Berlin-Chemie / A.Menarini, you can report to us by e-mail:, by phone:
+ 420 267 199 333

Another option for patients and healthcare professionals is to report side effects using the form on the SUKL website: nezadouci-ucinek.
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable legislation.

You may also visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to see if we already have the Information you are searching for.

Contact Information

Glienicker Weg 125
12489 Berlin

Tel.: +49 030-6707-0 
Fax: +49 030-6707-212-0 

Pentru a raporta o reactie adversa suspectata la unul dintre medicamentele Berlin-Chemie /Menarini, puteti

  • apela direct numarul dedicat pentru Farmacovigilenta, telefon +40 726 766 665;
  • contacta persoana responsabila cu activitatea de farmacovigilență, prin:
  • telefon: +40 21 232 34 32;
  • fax in atenția Departamentului de farmacovigilență al companiei: +40 21 233 08 26;
  • Contacta Agentia Nationala a Medicamentului si a Dispozitivelor Medicale din România, Str. Aviator Sanatescu 48, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Tel: +40 21 317 11 00; +40 21 317 11 01; +40 21 317 11 02; +40 21 317 11 04; +40 21 316 10 79 Secretariat, Fax: +40 21 316 34 97.
  • daca sunteti Profesionist in Domeniul sanatatii puteți contacta reprezentantul medical al companiei;